AlterEgo Decor - A Huge Gray House

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A Huge Gray House


A Two Storey High Mansion with Porche. Passageway is 120cm wide 190cm high


460H 600W 100


258 €


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  • Rental price for 3 days (Sunday doesn't count), excl. 21% VAT/BTW.
  • Excl. transport. The hirer takes care of it.
  • Additional rental days: 5% of the price/day


mansion maison huis grijs halloween grey Brick-Wall rusland russia la russieA Two Storey High mansion with Porche. Passageway is 120cm wide 190cm high ingang porte entree entrance gate

Get in touch with us
AlterEgo Decor
Boomsesteenweg 56
2630 Aartselaar

32 (0)3 231 95 32

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