AlterEgo Decor - Autocar, Volkswagen, life-size, the VW T1

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Autocar, Volkswagen, life-size, the VW T1


Can be used as a Bar or Just Decoratively, with a Working- Tablet at the Back Comes in pieces, on cart 206L x 190H x 82cm


374L x 193H x 70D


245 €


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  • Rental price for 3 days (Sunday doesn't count), excl. 21% VAT/BTW.
  • Excl. transport. The hirer takes care of it.
  • Additional rental days: 5% of the price/day


bar retro van busje vw hippy hippie woodstock hippy flower-power Feestdecoratie Decoratie huren Decor huren Beach party

Get in touch with us
AlterEgo Decor
Boomsesteenweg 56
2630 Aartselaar

32 (0)3 231 95 32

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